Monday, July 10, 2006

A Distinct Difference

The perfect midnight snack? Debatable, but who cares. Tonight I picked chips and pico de gallo salsa. What a great combination, if that was what I bargained for. You see, on the label of my tortilla chips it says in big, irradiated letters "Hint of Lime." This is false advertising. Unsuspecting, I skillfully tore open the bag, grabbed a chip, walloped it with an unhealthy amount of salsa, and took a bite. These chips were not flavored with a "hint of lime." No, the manufacturer seemed to mislabel the chips, as they were obviously eXtremely InTenSe LiMe FlaVor!!11OnE. Now when I say intense, I mean if I could extract the lime essence from this one chip, I would have enough lime to go around for six Coronas. Having had my six Coronas, theoretically, I would then be too drunk to care how miserably tangy the chips are, and would actually be able to eat the whole bag... and the bag itself.


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